Ag dul ar Scoil I went to primary school in Gaelscoil Bhaile Munna in the 2000s. At the time the school was made of prefabs, big green cardboard box looking classrooms. The school was in Coultry, and we lived over at Sillogue, so my Ma used to drop me to school in her car most… Continue reading When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Aaron Sunderland Carey
Author: Chloe Browne
When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Fion Gunn
Going to school in 1960s Cork When I googled the journey from my childhood home at 3, Cornmarket St. to St Aloysius Primary School (St Als) which I attended, the solutions were a 12 and 15 minutes journey. Really! This was not the case when I was a child. Walking on my own using alleyways… Continue reading When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Fion Gunn
When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Mary M. Trant
Journey to and from School – County Kerry, Ireland, 1950 After finishing some farm chores each morning, I began the journey to school with my big brother at my side, and at seven he was one year older than me. We went to school on foot and our Mum always stood between the two white… Continue reading When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Mary M. Trant
Community & Diaspora Engagement
Hello! Welcome to the Community Engagement programme at the Museum of Childhood Ireland, we’re thrilled you stopped by. Here you will find stories, memories and interviews shared by our friends and followers about all things childhood, and growing up in Ireland and amongst the diaspora. We at the Museum feel that the community should be… Continue reading Community & Diaspora Engagement
Nuair a Bhíomar inár Ríthe agus Banríona ar an mBóthar: Aoife Ní Chorráin
Ag éirí gach maidin le breacadh an lae chun an bus a fháil – ní raibh sé éasca! Is as an Lorgain mise ach d’fhreastail mé ar Ghaelscoil i gCathair Ard Mhacha agus ciallaíonn sin gur fhág a bus ag 7:30a.m gach lá. Éiríonn tú cleachta leis, ach mar dhéagóir leisciúil, tá sé dúshlánach!Ar an… Continue reading Nuair a Bhíomar inár Ríthe agus Banríona ar an mBóthar: Aoife Ní Chorráin
Nuair a Bhíomar inár Ríthe agus Banríona ar an mBóthar: Anna Sutcliffe
Tógadh mé i mBáile Átha Cliath agus bhí sé fíor-thábhachtach do mo thuistí go mbeidh Gaeilge agam. Dá bhrí sin, d’fhreastal mé ar Ghaelscoil Scoil Mológa i gCrois Araild ionas go mbeidh mé in ann Gaeilge a labhairt agus mé ar ais ar Oileán Acla. Rothaigh nó shiúl mé ar scoil chuile maidin le mo… Continue reading Nuair a Bhíomar inár Ríthe agus Banríona ar an mBóthar: Anna Sutcliffe
Nuair a Bhíomar inár Ríthe agus Banríona ar an mBóthar: Cían Ó Gríofa
Nuair a bhínn ag dul ar scoil sna 2000í agus sna 2010í, bhí sé d’ámháraí an tsaoil agam go raibh mé im chónaí gar don scoil an chuid ba mhó den am. D’fhreastail mé ar Scoil Phádraig Naofa do Bhuachaillí. Ina dhiaidh sin, timpeall an chúinne liom go dtí an De La Salle i mBaile… Continue reading Nuair a Bhíomar inár Ríthe agus Banríona ar an mBóthar: Cían Ó Gríofa
When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Cian Griffin
When I was going to school in the 2000s and 2010s, I was lucky enough that for most of my time, I lived a 10 minute walk from the school. I went to St. Patrick’s BNS for primary school, and then around the corner from that to De La Salle in Wicklow Town for my… Continue reading When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Cian Griffin
Season’s Greetings!
Christmas at the Museum of Childhood Ireland It’s beginning to look a lot like…… Christmas! Only days now until the big day. Christmas is a wintry holiday celebrated by many in Ireland, and it brings with it fond memories and waves of nostalgia, reminiscing about Christmases past, and indeed the year that has just gone… Continue reading Season’s Greetings!
When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Latisha McCrudden
My school journey My school journey from the age of four to eighteen, through primary and secondary was overall mostly positive. I would split my school journey into two parts, the time I grew up in a domestic abuse home until I was fourteen, and the four years after. I grew up in a small… Continue reading When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road: Latisha McCrudden