As part of Ireland’s National Heritage Week, the Museum of Childhood Ireland have teamed up with Tipperary Town Revitalisation: to deliver an exciting range of sustainable heritage projects for children and young people in Tipperary Town.
This wonderful NHW 2022 project grew out of the Tipp Town CTCHC Project: https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/news/news-features/tipperary-release-heading The CTCHC Programme from Alison Harvey, Heritage Council: https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/projects/town-centre-health-check-programme has committed to including the voices of children and youth at its very core. As our fundamental objective at museumofchildhood.ie is that ALL children should be Seen and Heard, we are delighted to be involved in the collaborative project! The beauty of this heritage project is the sheer number of people and organisations across the whole community who have connected with museumofchildhood.ie and come together to make this happen. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Thank you so much everyone! Go raibh mile maith agaibh!
On Saturday, 13th of August, we begin the first of the Museum of Childhood Ireland‘s Child / Youth Voice events in Tipperary Town for Heritage Week 2022.
Background: From March to June the museum ran a series of Information Workshops and Consultations with young people( Youth /Child Voice) in Tipperary Town and arising directly from these our Heritage Week programme as part of the project was developed.
See below for more details:
The theme this year is SUSTAINABILITY.
#Sustainability #HeritageWeek
On Saturday 13th August.
Venue: Excel Heritage Centre. Fully accessible.
10 am – 1:30 pm :
Event 1.A. “Tipperary-Building Our Future”- Museum of Childhood Ireland
Talks from Alison Harvey ( Heritage Council CTCHC ), Jamie McNamara ( Historic Town Regeneration), Eoin O’Connor (City & Regional Planning, Museum of Childhood Ireland), and Majella McAllister for children /youth / all community, on building reuse in town regeneration and sustainability.
Followed by,
1. B. Children / Youth interactive Workshop– The Museum of Childhood Ireland
Facilitators: Cliodhna Martin, Majella McAllister, and Edgar Debel
2.A. ”Tipperary- Our Town, Our Future”- Museum of Childhood Ireland
Building reuse ideas workshop, screening of a short film on Model Making techniques, followed by a hands-on model making workshop with children’s participation facilitator Emily Drew, the Museum of Childhood Ireland. https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-drew-0b1ab11b0
2.B.”Sculpture for Tipperary Town”- Museum of Childhood Ireland
Sculptor and Artist Lorraine Cleary http://lorraineclearystudio.com/ will lead an upcycled materials, Bricolage, ‘Gloved Hand Sculpture’ workshop. Theme: The Glove Factory. ( tying in with the release of Tipperary Town Revitalisation Heritage Group’s documentary film on August 18th.) Do bring along some pieces of interesting broken furniture/ books /toys /metal / fabric etc you’d like reused!
Warren McAllister :Events tech support.
Exhibitions, August 14th-20th- Museum of Childhood Ireland
We will have displays in a shopfront on the Main Street ‘Costigans Pharmacy’ ( meanwhile use/ pop-up gallery) of the work of Tipperary children and youth undertaken through consultations with the Museum of Childhood Ireland from March through to August 2022. The children’s work from the first day of the Heritage Week workshops will also form part of the display.
Curation and Display: Majella McAllister and Edgar Debel
Wild Child Day, August 18th- Museum of Childhood Ireland
Celebrating ‘Wild Child Day’! “Ceremonial Apple tree planting” ( and eating!) of a range of Irish apple trees, sourced locally, with a group of local children and their families in Tipperary town (Pearse Park and Knockanrawley Resource Centre) and distribution of child sized gardening tool sets. This marks the launch of our ‘From Apple Seeds to Apple Trees’ project in Tipperary.
Glove Factories Remembered, August 18th- Tipperary Revitalisation
7.30pm Tipperary Glove Factories Remembered – A Short Film (by Mary Alice O’Connor, chair TTRTF Heritage Group)
Tipperary Excel Heritage Centre
Tipperary Glove Factories Remembered

This film documentary traces the gloving industry from its beginning in the early 1900’s to the 1970’s adding valuable information in the context of the social and industrial heritage of the town.
Dr Denis G Marnane gives us a rare insight into the political and economic situation during these years and the impact of this industry on the town. Dr. Marnane’s narration, accompanied by images, photographs & drone footage, bring to life our town’s industrial history.
The re-enactment, featuring local actors and directed by Jim Keane & produced by Mary Alice O’Connor, depicts a typical day in the life of factory workers. Themes of immigration & working conditions are mentioned as well as the important social life of the time (dancing in the Tower Ballroom) It is set in the late 1950’s, at a time when there was a number of small factories engaged in the making of gloves, plus a cottage industry for women working at home & being paid ‘piece work’.
The film is a tribute to the men & women who worked in this industry, especially those working from home (doing piece work, ie. paid according to their output).
The film endeavours to recall a bygone era. It will also demonstrate to our young people the working conditions/the problems of immigration etc, and how far we have come in the intervening years
In conjunction, we will host an exhibition at Tipperary Excel featuring the memorabilia salvaged from the last remaining glove factory at James street.
On Saturday 20th August.
Venue: Excel Heritage Centre.
10 am – 1:30 pm :
1.”Sustainability Talks”- Museum of Childhood Ireland
Alison Harvey, The Heritage Council and the CTCHC Programme
Lorraine Cleary, Sustainable Art
Jamie McConville, Charlie Davis and Jamie Clabburn, Sustainable youth play initiatives
Orla Farrell, Sustainable Tree Planting
Fionnuala O’Connell, Community Sustainability
Danny Sheehy, Environmental sustainability
Jennifer Thornton, Sustainable fashion
Timmy Whyte, Sustainable organic gardening and Social Therapeutic Horticulture
Majella McAllister, the Museum of Childhood Ireland, Sustainable toys for children
2 pm – 3 pm
2.”Sustainable Storytelling”-Museum of Childhood Ireland
Make do and mend- Athúsáid
Intergenerational Storytelling workshop on themes of Sustainability with Catherine Gilliand. ( and Ted!)

Catherine and Ted
From 4 pm – 5 pm :
3.“Sustainability on Screen”- Museum of Childhood Ireland
Screening of young people’s videos on Sustainability
Announcement! From September Artists will lead a clay sculpting and art workshop project for museumofchildhood.ie with school students in Tipperary Town, exploring their heritage of the Glove Factories.
We will also be visiting a thriving glove factory in Dublin. More on this soon!
Post Heritage Week Museum of Childhood Ireland produced a report on the project for the Heritage Council, and the project was submitted to the National Lottery Good Cause Awards.
Wherever you live, get Involved!
Before Heritage Week begins there are lots of Projects for under 18s to get involved in this summer! Our event focus is on Tipperary Town but you don’t have to live in Tipperary to explore this beautiful and welcoming Irish town or take part in any of our projects. Come and visit Tipperary Town during Heritage Week 2022 or anytime of the year! Closing date for all of the following 4 projects is Sunday 7th August, with prize winners announced by the 20th of August. So get thinking, snapping, recording, drawing, and writing now! Remember all children’s entries to info@museumofchildhood.ie via Parents /Guardians please. Please see our Child Safeguarding, Data Protection, and Participation documents in our Governance section:
Museum of Childhood Ireland Photography judges are: Eamon Doyle, Gary Doyle Photography, Barry Delaney, Peter Keane, and John Hickey.
Museum of Childhood Ireland Poetry / Writing judges: Alannah O’Neill Murray, John O’Donnell, Ciara Aoife O’Síoráin, Sinéad O’Reilly and Yvonne Reddin.
Museum of Childhood Ireland Art judges are: Joe Ryan, Adelle Hickey, Valerie Syms Martin, Helen Magee Byrne, and Tony Strickland
We also have some fantastic prizes to give away to participants, so get your entries in ASAP! Prizes include: Voucher for afternoon tea for 4 from the Great National Ballykisteen Golf Hotel. Voucher for dinner for 2 from restaurant ‘Prime 74’. Voucher for afternoon tea for 4 from ‘French Quarter Cafe’. Cinema voucher for 4 from ‘Excel Cinema’. A signed copy of an Eamon Doyle Photography Art book: Eamonn Doyle A signed copy of Barry Delaney and John O’Donnell’s Photography / Poetry book ‘Americans Anonymous’. Limited edition art print ‘Hare’ by Adelle Hickey. A €20 gift voucher from Whelan’s Toymaster https://joewhelans.ie/ . ‘Rainbow of Activity’ boxes of art materials from Easons, Dúnlaoghaire, Pitch and Putt (Tipperary Hills), Horse riding (Tipperary Equestrian Centre), Archery ( Durlas Éile Archery)and an Irish organic, hand crafted wool, cat basket by ‘Between the Seems’, books, art and craft materials, toys and more from the Museum of Childhood Ireland (MoCI)
‘Sustainability-I Have an Idea!’
Museum of Childhood Ireland
Have a great idea on SUSTAINABILITY? Can you or you and your family make a short video on your phone and tell us about or show us your innovative idea!?

Then Parent / Guardian please email 1 entry per child / youth under 18 years to: info@museumofchildhood.ie
Entries will be displayed in #TipperaryTown during #HeritageWeek2022 and online at museumofchildhood.ie
Tipperary Town-A Building I Love!
Museum of Childhood Ireland
📸Attention all budding photographers (under the age of 18)! We are looking for you to take a photo of your favourite building in Tipperary town for #Heritageweek2022 #CTCHC. It’s time to make Tipperary shine! 📷

PARENT/GUARDIAN please submit 1 entry per child / youth up to age 18 years of age to: info@museumofchildhood.ie
Entries will be displayed locally in #TipperaryTown for #HeritageWeek2022 and online at museumofchildhood.ie
By Sustainability- I Mean…
Museum of Childhood Ireland
Attention budding Poets and Writers! When you hear the word SUSTAINABILITY what comes to mind? Would you like to explore your ideas, express your understanding, let us know what comes to mind, through poetry or a short piece of writing? We’d love to hear what you have to say!

PARENTS /Guardians: Please submit 1 poem and or 1 piece of writing (1 entry per child / youth up to age 18) to: info@museumofchildhood.ie
Entries will be displayed in Tipperary town throughout Heritage Week, and online on our website: museumofchildhood.ie
Tipperary Town-Imaginative Reuse!
Museum of Childhood Ireland
Attention all budding Artists and Architects! Do you have an idea of how you’d like to reuse any building in Tipperary Town? Be as imaginative as you like! ( Personally, I’d love a shop that sells 🍀 luck and 🌈 rainbows! )Then draw /paint /collage /sketch /stitch/Lego / Meccano/ model-make your ideas! ( and provide a few lines to explain your idea!)

Then PARENTS/GUARDIANS please photograph the artwork and send (up to 3 entries per child / youth up to 18) to: info@museumofcholdhood.ie
Entries will be displayed in Tipperary town throughout Heritage Week, and online on our website museumofchildhood.ie
For further details and inquiries see info@museumofchildhood.ie


Project contact: mmcallister@museumofchildhood.ie
Objects for the Museum of Childhood Ireland
Don’t forget to check out this wonderful project from our History Team here at the museum for Heritage Week 2022. The video presentation is an incredibly interesting listen.
Museum of Childhood Ireland, Co. Dublin – Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
Seven historians of childhood and youth in Ireland present short videos on an object or objects that they would like to see in a Museum of Childhood Ireland. The videos are interspersed with singing by young people of nursery rhymes and Irish songs that would be familiar to several generations of Irish children.
At the Museum of Childhood Ireland ‘All Children Should be Seen and Heard’ and the aim is to establish Ireland’s first museum to give voice to the diverse historical and contemporary experiences of children and childhood.
We currently have a very active virtual presence run entirely by volunteers with expertise in history, education, youth work, strategy, governance, finance, culture, heritage and communications. We are also actively campaigning to identify a physical site for the Museum in an Irish town centre.
The Museum has acquired through donation a large collection of objects that will form part of the Museum’s permanent collection. For Heritage Week 2022, we decided to ask the History team in the Museum to present a series of short videos on objects that they would like to see in the Museum and to explain how the selected item contributes to our understanding of the history of childhood and youth in Ireland.
We also want to engage the wider public in a discussion on what objects they would like to see in a Museum of Childhood in Ireland. We are, therefore, asking people – through a social media campaign – to submit suggestions to the Museum of Childhood Ireland Músaem Óige na hÉireann.

My choice: Polio Calipers, Paul Whelan, Co Dublin.
Eliminating Polio in Ireland 1965