The Museum of Childhood Ireland is a member of the following organisations:
The museum is the proud recipient of the following Awards to date:
- Kids in Museums, International Award 2020
- INACS, International Awards 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- The Heritage Council: County Winner: Dúnlaoghaire / South Dublin 2021
- The Heritage Council: County Winner: Tipperary, 2022 ( In collaboration with Tipperary Revitalisation)
- Digital Town Awards Newcomer Finalist, for Engage Kilkenny 2023:
- National Lottery Good Cause Award finalist 2023 for our collaborative project with Tipperary Revitalisation
The Museum of Childhood Ireland is committed to Empowering Children and Young People
Children should be Seen and Heard
Exploring and learning from the past. Children have lived and learnt, played and worked, been adored and abused since prehistoric times and throughout our millennia of history. Yet the reality of their lives is seldom centre stage ( and usually ignored) in the stories that have come down to us from that long history.
Our commitment too to supporting children and young people now, comes at a time when children are facing significant challenges. By empowering children and youth, providing a focused, sustainable, supportive, inclusive community and platform, and islandwide programmes helping foster friendships in communities, we are helping build a brighter, better future for all.