Nuair a Bhíomar inár Ríthe agus Banríona ar an mBóthar: Anna Sutcliffe

Tógadh mé i mBáile Átha Cliath agus bhí sé fíor-thábhachtach do mo thuistí go mbeidh Gaeilge agam. Dá bhrí sin, d’fhreastal mé ar Ghaelscoil Scoil Mológa i gCrois Araild ionas go mbeidh mé in ann Gaeilge a labhairt agus mé ar ais ar Oileán Acla. Rothaigh nó shiúl mé ar scoil chuile maidin le mo dheartháir agus dheirfiúr agus bhí ár gcairde linn chomh maith. Bhí rás againn chuile maidin chuig geataí na scoile agus sé an rud b’fhearr linn chuile lá! Bímid ag gáire faoi fós!

A childhood photo of Anna and her family

I grew up in Dublin, but it was very important to my parents that I could speak Irish because Achill, where my parents are from, is a Gaeltacht region. I attended Gaelscoil Scoil Mológa in Harold’s Cross with my siblings, and we would travel there every day with our friends, either walking or cycling. Our favourite part of the morning was when we would turn onto the school road and race one another to the gates! We still laugh about it to this day.

Anna works as Head of Development for Dignity Ireland, a charity that services people with disabilities. She is very passionate about promoting an inclusive Ireland through her work, and as a team member at the Museum of Childhood Ireland. She also runs her own business, called House of Achill, from her home on Achill Island. She has an undergraduate degree (TCD) and postgraduate degree (TUD) and is currently completing a diploma in the History of European Painting at Trinity College Dublin. She speaks fluent Irish and German and has a keen interest in art, history, Irish culture and childhood.

Thar ceann Mhúsaem na hÓige Éireann agus Robert Burns, ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas ó chroí a ghabháil lenár rannpháirtithe iontacha go léir as a gcuid ama agus a gcuid scéalta. Tá an-áthas orainn an tionscadal seo a chur i láthair agus tá súil againn go mbainfidh tú taitneamh as leanúint linn sna seachtainí atá romhainn.

An bhfuil scéal agat ar an ábhar seo agus ar mhaith leat páirt a ghlacadh? Déan teagmháil linn ar ár suíomhanna meán sóisialta, nó seol ríomhphost chugainn ag – ba bhreá linn cloisteáil uait!

On behalf of the Museum of Childhood Ireland and Robert Burns, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our wonderful participants for their time and their stories. We are thrilled to be presenting this project and we hope you will enjoy following along with us in the coming weeks.

Have a story on this topic and want to get involved? Contact us on our social media sites, or email us at – we would love to hear from you!