Islandwide – Diaspora, Historic – Contemporary museum championing Children and Childhoods

Museum of Childhood Ireland. Established 2018. Registered Charity number: 20205452

Explore Participate Play Create Connect Research Envision Reflect Collect Curate Voice Hear
Childhood – Past, Present, Potential.

Historia est Magistra Vitae

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The Museum of Childhood Ireland: Cherishing all the children of the nation equally… Múseum Óige na hÉireann: Ag cothú clann uile an náisiúin go cothrom

An historic, groundbreaking first for the island of Ireland, the multi- award winning, narrative changing Museum of Childhood Ireland puts children* and childhood – past to present – front and centre.

The museum’s role is in the gathering together of the interesting, challenging, diverse strands of the ever-evolving story of children and childhood – those too often ‘outside history.’

As part of our offering we will be reviving the Dublin Doll Hospital as a Toy Hospital and Repair Workshop, and will house a Puppet Theatre honouring the Lambert Puppet Theatre…..

The Museum, actively seeking a permanent home, is online and in pop-up format at present and is completely voluntary.

Imagining a permanent home for the Museum of Childhood Ireland by the children

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Imagining a permanent physical home for the Museum of Childhood Ireland based on doll houses in the museum’s Collection

Museum of Childhood Ireland Values

1. We value historical and contemporary childhood in Ireland.

2. We value integrity and act ethically at all times.

3. We value transparency, accountability and adhere to the highest standards of practice and governance.

4. We value the diversity of communities and promote inclusivity.

  • The Museum is a transformative hub (online and pop-up) where people of all ages – island-wide and beyond – are inspired to explore, play, create, reflect, participate, connect, imagine, research and envision…be heard. It invites curiosity around the way in which key events and experiences of childhood had and have impact here, and far beyond our shores. 
  • We are actively searching for an accessible, permanent, physical home and garden for the museum. We are considering urban locations, with good public transport links. We embrace Play-On-The-Way and sustainable, living community initiatives.
  • When children are seen and heard, we learn, we understand, we grow. Children are not simply apprentice adults, but equal and vital human beings, possessing their own perspectives, feelings, and contributions. When shared, these unique testimonies help complete the world we live in.
  • Through discovery and interaction with the histories and voices of children across Ireland, and worldwide, utilising multiple art forms, handling collections and technology, we get a rounded view of childhood, of Ireland, of the world.
  • The museum’s Collections comprise over 30,000 objects of Material Childhood Culture, with stories, helping illustrate and explore diverse children’s experiences, past to present.
  • Children are meaningfully involved in the planning and running of the museum, making it an authentic experience for all. Our purpose is to champion children, and facilitate their voices.
  • The Museum of Childhood Ireland is a pioneering museum – a welcome asset for Ireland. A diverse and enlightening programme of exhibitions, displays, archives, workshops, and events explores and reimagines how children and childhood can be truly cherished and celebrated in our society.
  • The museum is a rich resource inspiring critical reflection and timely conversations about children and childhood – from the dark and disturbing traumas to more inventive and joyful narratives – and the extraordinary magic of possibility of childhood.
  • The museum + is an islandwide and diaspora initiative uniting all on our island through our shared childhood experiences, exploring those diverse experiences, acknowledging often difficult pasts and forging positive, hopeful futures for all children.
  • Child and Adult citizens are central in shaping and creating the Museum of Childhood Ireland. It is a museum for all ages -the young and the ever young!
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UNSDG and NEB principles underpin all aspects of the museum’s work- See our Governance section:
*Children: Birth to eighteen years of age.

Imagining a permanent home for the Museum of Childhood Ireland

“A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.” ICOM. International Council of Museums

Singing-outtakes. Scenes of young boy, Dennis Donahue, singing the song “My Uncle Dan McCann”. He grins half way through as if he catches a fish. Closeup of the cork bobbing in the water. Fox Movietone News Story 2-873. Location: Ireland

Rud nua in Éirinn, cuireann Músaem Óige na hÉireann an bhéim ar leanaí agus an óige – san am atá thart agus san am i láthair. Cruinníonn an áit iontach seo na snáitheanna iontacha, dúshlánacha agus éagsúla de scéal na hóige le chéile.

  • Is mol spreagúil, fisiceach agus ar líne é an Músaem ina spreagtar daoine de gach aois – ar fud an oileáin agus níos faide i gcéin – chun foghlaim, súgradh, machnamh a dhéanamh agus fás. Tugann sé cuireadh duit iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar an tionchar a bhí ag príomhimeachtaí agus eispéiris na hóige anseo agus i bhfad thar ár gcósta.
  • Nuair a fheictear agus a chloistear leanaí, foghlaimímid, tuigimid, fásann muid – agus is daoine níos fearr muid, tír níos fearr, mar gheall air sin. Ní daoine fásta printíseachta iad páistí. Is daoine cothroma agus ríthábhachtacha iad – agus díreach cosúil le daoine meánaosta nó aosta – tá siad ag tráth tábhachtach  ina saol. Tá a gcuid peirspictíochtaí, mothúcháin agus barúlacha uathúla féin acu. Tá ár ndomhan iomlán mar gheall ar na teistiméireachtaí uathúla seo 
  • Nuair a aimsímid agus nuair a dhéanaimid idirghníomhú le stair agus guthanna leanaí ar fud na hÉireann, faigheann muid léargas níos iomláine ar an óige, agus ar Éirinn. Agus toisc go bhfuil baint ag leanaí le pleanáil agus reáchtáil an mhúsaeim, tá taithí na gcuairteoirí, na scoláirí, na ngrúpaí agus an lucht tacaíochta níos barántúla agus níos saibhre fós.
  • Is acmhainn nua d’Éirinn é an músaem ceannródaíoch seo a bhfuil fáilte roimhe. Samhlaíonn a clár ilghnéitheach agus soléite de thaispeántais, de chartlanna agus d’imeachtaí conas is féidir leanaí a chothú agus a cheiliúradh i sochaí na hÉireann. Acmhainn shaibhir atá ann chun machnamh criticiúil agus comhráite suntasacha faoin óige a spreagadh – óna tráma dorcha agus suaite san am atá thart go dtí na scéalta is airgthí agus níos áthasaí – agus draíocht na féidearthachta a d’fhéadfadh a bheith san óige.

Irish school children-outtakes. Various scenes of girls playing games and singing Irish songs on Árainn [Inis Mór], Aran Islands. Among the dancers shown are Darach Ó Direáin and Peaits Rua Ó Maoláin. Fox Movietone News Story 2-919