- We meet about once a month.
- We usually meet online, on a Wednesday after school around 5.00 pm.
- We aim to meet face-to-face about twice a year, usually in school holidays or mid-terms.
- We are helped by an adult facilitation team, all Garda vetted, highly experienced in this area, and supported by the Voice, Agency, and Rights in Education (VARIE) research group at UCD School of Education.
So far we have advised the management on:
- What makes a museum boring and what makes it fun and not-boring.
- How we want our own team to work.
- Our hopes for the future of MoCI.
- Design and content of the MoCI website.
- Ideas about activities for the museum in the short/medium term (when we still don’t have our own building).
- How we imagine MoCI in five years’ time.
Overall, we do a lot of museum advisory work, but when we meet face-to-face, we also play games, have fun together and eat pizza.