Courage and Leadership – “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.” Dumbledore
Our Governance:
The Museum of Childhood Ireland is a Company Limited by Guarantee CLG, and registered charity 20205452. The Museum of Childhood Ireland is a volunteer led organisation and endeavours to comply with and live the values of the Charities Governance Code. Examples of the actions and activities of the Museum of Childhood Ireland to meet the standards of the Charities Governance Code are highlighted below.
Company Summary
The Museum of Childhood Ireland Project Company Limited By Guarantee was set up on Friday the 16th of February 2018. Their current address is Dublin, and the company status is Normal.
Principle 1 Advancing Charitable Purpose
Actions taken by the Museum under Principle 1
- Fundraising is a central focus of the Museum Board
- Ongoing development of Strategic Plan and the formation of a Strategy Working Group
Principle 2 Behaving with Integrity
Actions taken by the Museum under Principle 2
- Conflicts of interest is a standing agenda item at all meetings of the Board
- Values are considered as part of the Board Terms of Reference and Standing Orders
- Code of Conduct in place for Board members
Principle 3 Leading People
Actions taken by the Museum under Principle 3
- Policies developed in relation to volunteer management
- Policies in place that govern Data Protection and Child Safeguarding
Principle 4 Exercising Control
Actions taken by the Museum under Principle 4
- Finance is a standing agenda item at every Board meeting
- The identification of, discussion on and management of specific risks
- The circulation of guidance from the Charities Regulator on Fundraising
Principle 5 Working Effectively
Actions taken by the Museum under Principle 5
- Board recruitment and composition is informed by skills, diversity and experience requirements
- Board effectiveness reviews are conducted
- A regular schedule of Board meetings
- Term limits for Board members
Principle 6 Being Accountable
Actions taken by the Museum under Principle 6
- Registered Charity Number displayed on website and social media channels
- Mechanisms in place for members of the public to engage with the Museum
- AGM held annually
- Identification of and engagement with key stakeholders
Policies and Procedures
The Museum of Childhood Ireland team is fully committed to protecting the Rights of the Child and to the Wellbeing and safety of all Children. All our team who have positions that involve engagement with children are fully Garda Vetted.
Children First E-Learning Programme
Tusla has worked with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and the HSE to develop a universal e-learning programme called ‘Introduction to Children First’. The programme has been written to support people of all backgrounds and experience in recognising concerns about children and reporting such concerns if they arise.
The programme is based on Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children and the Children First Act 2015.
The Museum of Childhood Ireland curate online exhibitions, physical exhibitions and publications etc from the stories, photos etc submitted to the museum. Please note that any stories, photos etc submitted may be used in such publications, exhibitions, and for relevant media interest. Every effort will be undertaken to ensure that such reproductions are true and authentic representations of the received stories
The Museum of Childhood Ireland is a member of the following organisations:
A New Post-Pandemic Social Contract between Health and Education
Dr Paul Downes, Associate Professor of Psychology of Education and Director, Educational Disadvantage Centre, Institute of Education, gave the keynote presentation A New Post-Pandemic Social Contract between Health and Education in Ireland: Key Issues for DEIS Schools and Wider Contexts for the National Webinar of the Children’s Future’s Network (September 21, 2021). The Children’s Future’s Network is composed of AsIAm, Barnardos, Children’s Rights Alliance, Inclusion Ireland, National Parents Council Primary, Spunout, Pavee Point, UNICEF Ireland, Foroige, St Vincent de Paul, Children’s Books Ireland, Museum of Childhood Ireland – Músaem Óige na hÉireann, and the Dyslexia Association.
The museum is the proud recipient of the following Awards to date:
- Kids in Museums, International Award 2020
- INACS, International Awards 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- The Heritage Council: County Winner: Dúnlaoghaire / South Dublin 2021
- The Heritage Council: County Winner: Tipperary, 2022 ( In collaboration with Tipperary Revitalisation)
- Digital Town Awards Newcomer Finalist, for Engage Kilkenny 2023:
- National Lottery Good Cause Award finalist 2023 for our project in Tipperary
The Museum of Childhood Ireland is committed to Empowering Children, Young People and Adults
Museum of Childhood Ireland – Children should be Seen and Heard
Exploring and learning from the past, our commitment to supporting children and young people now, comes at a time when children and youth are facing significant challenges. By empowering children and youth, providing a focused, sustainable, supportive, inclusive community and platform, and islandwide programmes helping foster friendships in communities, we are helping build brighter, better futures for all on our shared island.
Martin Swords and Teresa O’Donovan, Booterstown, Co Dublin, 1956