Community Memories: Bernie Carroll

This month we’ve been asking you about your memories of school and schooldays – in the spirit of September’s topic “Back to School at the Museum of Childhood Ireland.” Today we share a post sent in to us by Bernie Carroll who fondly remembers her time at National and Secondary school in the 60’s and 70s.


“My National school days were fairly good except for when we got in trouble with the cross nuns. Like the pencil pairing we loved to get jobs to do as we would have time out from the classroom. School holidays were the best. We spent most of the day cleaning classes for the following year. I remember a big can of sweets been passed around when we had finished.

Secondary school was brilliant. Loved the trips for our sports outings. Cycling to school every day and most of all my friends.”

The Museum of Childhood Ireland is always looking to hear your stories of your childhood, whether you are currently there, or if it is now a memory. This month we are focusing on schooldays. If you have any stories, anecdotes or memories of your time at school – past or present – we would love to hear from you. Send us an email at or send us a message on our social sites!