Collecting Childhood


We are delighted to announce that our research project, #Collecting Childhood is now LIVE!

In collaboration with (School of English, TCD/ Museum of Childhood Ireland) and funded by the Irish Research Council, Collecting Childhood brings together children, academic researchers, museum staff, curators, librarians, creative practitioners and community stakeholders in order to generate new insights into the collection, display, study, and interpretation of childhood artefacts.

Read below to find out more!

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Please find the Eventbrite link below. Registration is free and open now:

Our team for school engagement in Belfast Central Library on May 15th, is:

Dr Jane Suzanne Carroll, Trinity College, Dublin

Kayla D’Amato, Museum of Childhood Ireland

Basak Ellibes, Museum of Childhood Ireland

Majella McAllister, Museum of Childhood Ireland

Ciara Aoife O’Síoráin, Museum of Childhood Ireland

A Museum of Me, A Museum of Us!

Once we explored ideas meaningful to us, we made tabletop museums ourselves, of we want to see, or items/collections we have….

Signed, the children.

Belfast, Dublin, Limerick

Our team for school engagement in the People’s Museum, Limerick on May 17th is:

Yagmur Burhan, Museum of Childhood Ireland

Dr Jane Suzanne Carroll, Trinity College, Dublin

Basak Ellibes, Museum of Childhood Ireland

Majella McAllister, Museum of Childhood Ireland

Ciara Aoife O’Síoráin, Museum of Childhood Ireland

Sonia Sartor, Museum of Childhood Ireland

The first Trinity College, Dublin, Networking event was held on the 26th June in the Long Room Hub.

‘Collecting Childhood’ at Trinity College, Dublin yesterday, Monday June 26th. A collaborative project from the Department of Children’s Literature, Trinity College Dublin and the Museum of Childhood Ireland. The New Foundations project was funded by the Irish Research Council. Thanks to everyone yesterday for the friendly, lively, insightful discussions and sharing. It was wonderful to make so many new connections. 

Dr Jane Suzanne Carroll, Tony Flynn, Majella McAllister.

With our thanks to Katelyn Davis for the better of the photos too! 

The second Trinity event date was online on the 29th June. See top of page for Eventbrite booking link.

Contact: Majella McAllister: