Desmond Morris: Exhibitions and Publications

See Desmond’s story for our “When We Were Kings and Queens of the Road” project below:


 1. 1958. THE REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR OF THE TEN-SPINED STICKLEBACK. Brill, Leiden. 154p. (Doctor thesis)

 2. 1958. THE STORY OF CONGO. Batsford, London. 64p. (for children)

 3. 1959. THE INTERNATIONAL ZOO YEARBOOK. I. (Co-editor with Caroline Jarvis)  Zoological Society of London. 160p.

 4. 1960. THE INTERNATIONAL ZOO YEARBOOK. II. (Co-editor with Caroline

Jarvis) Zoological Society of London. 329p.

 5. 1961. INTRODUCING CURIOUS CREATURES. Spring Books, London. 91p. (for children)

 6. 1961. THE INTERNATIONAL ZOO YEARBOOK. III. (Co-editor with Caroline Jarvis) Zoological Society of London. 322p.

 7. 1962. THE BIOLOGY OF ART. Methuen, London. 176p.

 8. 1962. THE INTERNATIONAL ZOO YEARBOOK. IV. (Co-editor with Caroline Jarvis) Zoological Society   of London. 345p.

 9. 1964. APES AND MONKEYS. The Bodley Head, London. 32p. (for children)

10. 1965. THE BIG CATS. The Bodley Head, London. 32p. (for children)

11. 1965. THE MAMMALS: A GUIDE TO THE LIVING SPECIES. Hodder and Stoughton, London. 448p.

12. 1965. MEN AND SNAKES. (with Ramona Morris) Hutchinson, London. 224p.

13. 1966. MEN AND APES. (with Ramona Morris) Hutchinson, London. 271p.

14. 1966. MEN AND PANDAS. (with Ramona Morris) Hutchinson, London. 223p.

15. 1966. ZOOTIME. Rupert Hart-Davis, London. 132p. (book of TV documentary series – for children)

16. 1967. PRIMATE ETHOLOGY.  (Editor) Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London. 374p.

17. 1967. THE NAKED APE. Jonathan Cape, London. 252p.  (20 million copies sold)

18. 1969. THE HUMAN ZOO. Jonathan Cape, London. 256p.

19. 1970. PATTERNS OF REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR. Jonathan Cape, London. 528p. (collected scientific papers)

20. 1971. INTIMATE BEHAVIOUR. Jonathan Cape, London. 253p.

21. 1977. MANWATCHING: A FIELD-GUIDE TO HUMAN BEHAVIOUR. Jonathan Cape, London. 320p.

22. 1979. GESTURES: THEIR ORIGINS AND DISTRIBUTION. (with Peter Collett,  Peter Marsh and Marie O’Shaughnessy) Jonathan Cape, London.  296p.

23. 1979. ANIMAL DAYS. Jonathan Cape, London. 275p.  (memoirs)

24. 1981. THE SOCCER TRIBE. Jonathan Cape, London. 320p.

25. 1981. THE GIANT PANDA. (With Ramona Morris and Jonathan Barzdo) Kogan Page, London. 192p.

26. 1982. THE POCKET GUIDE TO MANWATCHING. Triad Granada, London. 480p.

27. 1983. INROCK. Jonathan Cape, London. 288p. (fantasy fiction)

28. 1983. THE BOOK OF AGES. Jonathan Cape, London. 220p.

29. 1985. THE ART OF ANCIENT CYPRUS. Phaidon, Oxford. 368p.

30. 1985. BODYWATCHING: A FIELD-GUIDE TO THE HUMAN SPECIES. Jonathan Cape, London. 256p.

31. 1986. THE ILLUSTRATED NAKED APE. Jonathan Cape, London. 256p.

32. 1986. CATWATCHING. Jonathan Cape, London. 106p.

33. 1986. DOGWATCHING. Jonathan Cape, London. 106p.

34. 1987. THE SECRET SURREALIST. Phaidon, Oxford. 112p.

35. 1987. CATLORE. Jonathan Cape, London. 114p.

36. 1988. THE ANIMALS ROADSHOW. Jonathan Cape, London. 106p.  (book of TV documentary series)

37. 1988. THE HUMAN NESTBUILDERS. Crown, Darwen. 48p.

38. 1988. HORSEWATCHING. Jonathan Cape, London. 114p.

39. 1990. THE ANIMAL CONTRACT. Virgin Books, London. 169p.  (book of TV documentary series)

40. 1990. ANIMALWATCHING. Jonathan Cape, London.  256p.

41. 1991. BABYWATCHING. Jonathan Cape, London. 168p.

42. 1992. CHRISTMAS WATCHING. Jonathan Cape, London. 105p.

43. 1993. THE WORLD OF ANIMALS. Jonathan Cape, London. 128p. (for children)

44. 1994. THE NAKED APE TRILOGY. Jonathan Cape, London. 530p. 

45. 1994. THE HUMAN ANIMAL. BBC Books, London. 224p. (book of TV documentary series)

46. 1994. ILLUSTRATED CATWATCHING. Ebury Books, London. 144p. 

47. 1994. BODYTALK: A WORLD GUIDE TO GESTURES. Jonathan Cape, London. 231p.

48. 1995. ILLUSTRATED BABYWATCHING. Ebury Books, London.144p.

49. 1996. ILLUSTRATED DOGWATCHING. Ebury Books, London. 144p.

50. 1996. CATWORLD; A FELINE ENCYCLOPEDIA. Ebury Books, London. 496p.

51. 1997. THE HUMAN SEXES: A NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN AND WOMAN. Network Books, London. 255p. (book of TV documentary series)

52. 1998. ILLUSTRATED HORSEWATCHING. Ebury Press, London. 144p.

53. 1999. COOL CATS: THE 100 CAT BREEDS OF THE WORLD. Ebury Books, London. 256p.

54. 1999. BODY GUARDS: PROTECTIVE AMULETS AND CHARMS. Element Books, Shaftsbury. 224p.

55. 1999. THE NAKED APE AND COSMETIC BEHAVIOUR  (with Kaori Ishida) Kyuryudo Publishing, Tokyo. 176p. (in Japanese)

56. 2000. THE NAKED EYE. Ebury Books, London. 278p. (memoirs)

57. 2001. DOGS; A DICTIONARY OF DOG BREEDS. Ebury Books, London. 752p. 

58. 2002. PEOPLEWATCHING. Vintage , London. 507p.

59. 2004. LINGUAGGIO MUTO (The Silent Language) L’UOMO E GLI ALTRI ANIMALI.  I DIALOGHI.  Di Renzo,  Rome. 93p.

60. 2004. THE NAKED WOMAN. A STUDY OF THE FEMALE BODY. Jonathan Cape, London. 276p.

61. 2004. THE NATURE OF HAPPINESS. Little Books, London. 176p.

62. 2006. WATCHING; ENCOUNTERS WITH HUMANS AND OTHER ANIMALS. Max Press, London. 655p. (memoirs)

63. 2006. FANTASTIC CATS. Little Books, London. 216p.

64. 2007. DARK INSIDE MY HEAD. Belgrave Gallery, London. 12p. (surrealist manifesto)

65. 2008. THE NAKED MAN. Jonathan Cape, London. 289p.


Hamlyn, London. 192p.

67. 2009. PLANET APE. Mitchell Beazley, London, 288p.

68. 2009. OWL. Reaktion Books, London. 216p.


EARLY YEARS. Hamlyn, London. 168p.

70. 2013. MONKEY.  Reaktion Books, London, 208p. 


Press, London, p.1-320

72 2013.  INROCK; THE ILLUSTRATED EDITION. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-

Sea, Wales, 336p.

73. 2014. LEOPARD. Reaktion Books, London. 208p.

74. 2014. HEADWORKS; COLLECTED POEMS  1945 – 2014. Dark Windows Press, 

Rhos-on-Sea, Wales, 168p.

75. 2015. BISON. Reaktion Books, London. 198p.

76. 2016. THE BOATS OF MALTA. THE ART OF THE FISHERMEN. Faraxa, Malta. 125p.

77. 2016. THE SOCCER TRIBE. REVISED EDITION. Rizzoli, London. 335p.

78. 2017.  CATS IN ART. Reaktion Books, London. 224p.


80. 2017. SIXTY-NINE SURREALISTS. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 242p.

81. 2018. THE LIVES OF THE SURREALISTS. Thames & Hudson, London. 272p. 

82. 2019. BODYWORKS. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 168p.

83. 2019. POSTURES. BODY LANGUAGE IN ART. Thames &Hudson, London. 320p.

84. 2019. CONGO. CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ. Mayor Gallery, London. 122p.

85. 2020. A TUE-TETE. HEADWORKS. Le grand Tamanoir, Paris. 112p.

86. 2020. WORDWORKS. PAINTING WiTH WORDS, 1948-1920. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 217p.

87. 2020. CREATURES OF THE MIND. A 21st CENTURY BESTIARY. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 143p.

88. 2020. THE SURREALIST ART OF THE KUNA. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 210p.

89. 2020. SURREALIST FAMILIARS. OBSCURE OBJECTS IN THE ARTIST’S STUDIO. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 311p.

90. 2021.THE ART OF THE SENUFO MUDCLOTH. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 102p.

91. 2022. THE BRITISH SURREALISTS. Thames & Hudson, London. 248p.

92. 2022. WATCHING. ENCOUNTERS WITH HUMANS AND OTHER ANIMALS. Arte e Ciencia, University of Porto, 670p.  (memoirs)

93. 2023. OSCAR MELLOR – PRIVATE SURREALIST.  Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 231p.

94. 2023. NORMAN ENORMOUS AND TINY TONY.  Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 109p. (children’s fiction) 

95. 2023. BIOMORPHIA. THE WATERCOLOURS OF 2020 – 2023. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 252p.

96. 2023. VISUAL MAGIC. TRIBAL SURREALISM REVISITED. Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 339p.

97. 2024. 101 SURREALISTS. Thames & Hudson, London. 

98. 2024. METALLIC SURREALISM.  Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 231p.

99.. 2024. THE SURREALIST GALLERY AT DIVA.  Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 231p.

100. 2025. PROTO-SURREALISM.  Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales. 231p.



Swindon Public Library.
First Solo Exhibition.
January 10th to 24th.

Swindon Public Library.
Group Exhibition: Contemporary Art Group.
(With Frans Baljon, John Eyles, Edward Kingan, Mervyn Levy and Walter Poole)
August 21st to September 4th.

Kingly Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition: Artists Known and Unknown.
July 12th onwards.

West Bromwich Art Gallery.
Group Exhibition: Ryland Sketch Club Exhibition.
December 1st to 31st.


Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Galleries.
Group Exhibition: The Birmingham Artists Committee Invitation Exhibition. (With Emmy Bridgwater, William Gear, Conroy Maddox, Oscar Mellor, John Melville and others)
January 29th to February 8th.

Bilston Corporation Art Gallery.
Group Exhibition: The Birmingham Artists Committee Invitation Exhibition. (With Emmy Bridgwater, William Gear, Conroy Maddox, Oscar Mellor, John Melville and others)
February 9th to March 2nd.


London Gallery.
First London Exhibition.
(With Joan Miro and Cyril Hammersma.)
February 2nd to 28th.


Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Galleries.
Group Exhibition: Birmingham Artists Committee Invitation Exhibition.
(With Emmy Bridgwater, Conroy Maddox and others)
January 27th to February 7th.

Folk House, Bristol.
Group Exhibition: Festival of Britain: Contemporary West Country Painting and Sculpture.
June 16th to July 14th.


Salle des Expositions, Knokke-le-Zoute.
Group Exhibition: 4th Festival Belge D’Eté: Les Tendances D’Avant-Garde dans la Peinture Britannique Actuelle.
July 29th to August 11th.


New Gallery, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
First Oxford Exhibition.
(With Geoffrey Clarke and Scottie Wilson)
May 27th to June 8th.


Stooshnoff Fine Art, London.
Solo Exhibition.
April 2nd to June 12th.


Wolfson College, Oxford.
Solo Exhibition: Paintings of the 1950s and 1960s.
May 2nd to 31st.

Quadrangle Gallery, Oxford.
Solo Exhibition.
May 4th to 29th.

Lasson Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition.
October 12th to November 12th.

Swindon Museum and Art Gallery.
Retrospective Exhibition.
November 16th to December 7th.


Camden Arts Centre.
Group Exhibition: Surrealism Unlimited.
January 17th to March 5th.

Galerie D’Eendt, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition.
October 7th to November 1st.


Galerie 1900-2000, Paris.
Group Exhibition: Les Enfants D’Alice. La Peinture Surréaliste en Angleterre. 1930-1960.
May 14th to June 30th.


Wylma Wayne Fine Art, London.
Group Exhibition: Christmas Show.
November 30th to December 23rd.


The Minories, Colchester.
Group Exhibition: A Salute to British Surrealism. 1930-1950.
April 6th to May 5th.

Blond Fine Art, London.
Group Exhibition: A Salute to British Surrealism. 1930-1950.
May 22nd to June 22nd.

Ferens Art Gallery, Hull.
Group Exhibition: A Salute to British Surrealism. 1930-1950.
July 6th to August 4th.


Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea.
Group Exhibition: Contrariwise. Surrealism and Britain 1930-1986.
September 20th to November 15th.

Victoria Art Gallery, Bath.
Group Exhibition: Contrariwise. Surrealism and Britain 1930-1986.
November 22nd to January 3rd.


Polytechnic Gallery, Newcastle.
Group Exhibition: Contrariwise. Surrealism and Britain 1930-1986.
January 10th to February 21st.

Mostyn Art Gallery, Llandudno.
Group Exhibition: Contrariwise. Surrealism and Britain 1930-1986.
February 28th to April 11th.

Mayor Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition.
September 16th to October 17th.

Smith’s Galleries, London.
Group Exhibition: The Day Book Picture Show.
December 3rd to 13th.

Keats Gallery, Knokke-Le-Zoute.
Group Exhibition: British Season 1987.
(With P.J. Crook and Michael Rothenstein.)
December 5th to 31st.


Shippee Gallery, New York.
Solo Exhibition.
April 28th to May 28th.

Keats Gallery, Knokke-Le-Zoute.
Solo Exhibition.
July 9th to August 11th.

Fine Art Associates, London.
Group Exhibition: The Avant-Garde in Britain, 1910-1960.
October 28th to November 19th.

Ghent Art Fair, Belgium.
Group Exhibition.


Mayor Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition: Works on Paper 1947-1988.
November 22nd to December 22nd.


Arnold Herstand and Company, New York.
Group Exhibition: Surrealism: from Paris to New York.
May 12th through Summer.

John Bonham, Murray Feely Fine Arts, London.
Group Exhibition: An Exhibition of Living British Surrealists.
August 1st to September 15th.

Louise Hallett Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition: Autumn Show.
November 29th to December 7th.

John Bonham, Murray Feely Fine Arts, London.
Group Exhibition: Christmas Show, 1990.
December 5th to 15th.


Galerie Michele Heyraud, Paris.
Solo Exhibition: Oeuvres Surréalistes.
February 14th to March 23rd.

Mayor Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition.
May 2nd to June 14th.

John Bonham, Murray Feely Fine Arts, London.
Group Exhibition: The Birmingham Seven.
June 12th to July 13th.

Galerie Michele Heyraud, Paris.
Group Exhibition: La Forme et ses Symboles.
(With J. Bolze, M. Delacroix and O. De Frayssinet.)
September 14th to October 19th.

John Bonham, Murray Feely Fine Arts, London.
Group Exhibition: Christmas Show, 1991.
December 4th to 14th.


Galerie Marie-Therese Wagner, Thionville.
Solo Exhibition: Desmond Morris: Écrivain – Zoologiste – Peintre.
March 7th to 31st.

Mayor Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition: British Surrealism.
March 24th to May 22nd.


Mayor Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition: The Figure.
March 1st to April 30th.

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
Group Exhibition: Surrealism: Revolution by Night.
March 12th to May 2nd.

Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane.
Group Exhibition: Surrealism: Revolution by Night.
May 21st to July 11th.

Swindon Museum and Art Gallery.
Retrospective Exhibition: Paintings 1946-1993.
July 7th to August 15th.

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.
Group Exhibition: Surrealism: Revolution by Night.
July 30th to September 19th.


Mayor Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition: Paintings From the Sixties.
June 2nd to July 8th.

Faggionato Fine Arts, London.
Group Exhibition: Surrealist Sculptures.
October 12th to December 16th.


England & Co., London
Group Exhibition: British Surrealism 1935-1995.
May 5th to May 27th.

Wolverhampton Art Gallery and Museum.
Group Exhibition: Real Surreal: British and European Surrealism.
June 17th to August 19th.


Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester.
Group Exhibition: In the Mind’s Eye. Surrealist Works on Paper.
April 26th to June 30th.

Mayor Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition: Works on Paper.
June 15th to August 31st.

City Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent.
Retrospective Exhibition: Fifty Years of Surrealism.
June 16th to July 28th.

Nottingham Natural History Museum.
Retrospective Exhibition: Fifty Years of Surrealism.
September 14th to November 17th.

Atrium Bookshop, Cork Street, London.
Solo Exhibition for book launch: Fifty Years of Surrealism.
September 18th.

Mayor Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition: A Dada and Surrealist Bouquet.
November 25th to December 20th.


Mayor Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition: Fifty Years of Surrealism.
May 6th to June 7th.

Charleston Gallery, Near Firle, Lewes, East Sussex.
Solo Exhibition: Fifty Years of Surrealism.
May 11th to June 8th.

York City Art Gallery, Exhibition Square, York.
Group Exhibition: In the Mind’s Eye. Surrealist Works on Paper.
August 16th to September 14th.

Buxton Museum and Art Gallery, Buxton, Derbyshire.
Solo Exhibition: A Surrealist World.

British Art Fair, Royal College of Art, London.
Group exhibition.
September 24th to September 27th.

FIAC. Paris.
Group Exhibition: Faces and Places: Dada and Surrealist Portraits and Landscapes.
September 30th to October 8th.

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Rome.
Group Exhibition: Marcel Duchamp ed altri iconoclasti, anche.
(Selected by Arturo Schwarz.)

Mayor Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition: Faces and Places: Dada and Surrealist Portraits and Landscapes.
November 18th to December 19th.

IVAM Centre Julio Gonzalez, Valencia, Spain.
Group Exhibition: El Objecto Surrealista.
October 16th 1997 to 4th January 1998.


Clayton Gallery, Newcastle.
Solo Exhibition. Fifty Years of Surrealism.
April 30th to May 30th

Mayor Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition. 85 Years of Sculpture.
May 20th to June 26th.

British Art Fair, Royal College of Art, London.
Group Exhibition.

Keitelman Gallery, Brussels.
Solo Exhibition.
October 29th to December 20th.

Jessy Van der Velde Gallery, Antwerp.
Solo Exhibition.
October 31st to January 1999.


Art Consultancy Witteveen, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition. Paintings and Drawings 1947-1997
Feb 6th to March 13th.

Mayor Gallery, London.
Group Exhibition. Surrealism in Britain.

Mayor Gallery, London
Solo Exhibition. Works on Paper 1949-1999.
December 15th to 23rd.


Galerie Pack-Huys, Mechelen, Belgium
Solo Exhibition. Naked Surrealism.
November 23rd 2001 to Jan 3rd 2002


Museum of Modern Art, Ostend, Belgium.
Solo Exhibition. Retrospective.
March 23rd to June 16th.

Mayor Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition. Paintings and Works on Paper.
April 2nd to May 3rd.

Art Consultancy Witteveen, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition. 55 Years of Surrealism.
Nov 16th to Dec 23rd.


Solomon Gallery, Dublin.
Solo Exhibition. Naked Surrealism.
Oct 29th to Nov 17th.


Mayor Gallery, London.
Solo Exhibition. Recent Paintings & A Lost World; Sketches for a Bestiary 1960.
Dec 1st to Dec 22nd.


Art Consultancy Witteveen, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition.
From May 6th.

Art Consultancy Witteveen, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition.
May 7th to Jun 4th 2005.

Guillermo de Osma Galeria, Madrid.
Solo Exhibition. Desmond Morris, Pintor Surrealista.
Sept 27th to Oct 28th 2005.

Alexander Clayton Art, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Solo Exhibition. Surrealist Paintings (1949-2004).
Nov 4th to Nov 30th 2005.


Gallery Pack-Huys, Mechelen.
Solo exhibition.
May 5th to June 2006.


Desmond Morris: 80th Birthday Retrospective.
Works from 1946 to 2007.
January 10th to 30th 2008.
January 10th to 30th 2008.

Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Birkenhead.
Desmond Morris Retrospective: Lines of Thought.
September 12th to November 9th.

Galerie Witteveen, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition. Lines of Thought.
October 18th to November 22nd.

Taurus Gallery, Oxford.
Three Surrealists.
(with Conroy Maddox and Oscar Mellor.)
December 5th to January 25th 2009.


Taurus Gallery, Oxford.
Three Surrealists.
(with Conroy Maddox and Oscar Mellor.)
December 10th to January 2010.


Verbeke Foundation, Belgium.
Desmond Morris: First Collage Exhibition.
January 16 to May 10th 2010.

Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition.
Dec 9th 2010 to January 2011.


Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition of New Work.
Dec 9 2011 to 28 January 2012.


Southampton City Art Gallery.
The Road is Wider than Long; Roland Penrose and British Surrealism
9 February th 13 May 2012

ISPA Gallery, Lisbon
Solo Exhibition: Desmond Morris, Pintura.
May 24 2012 to 21 Jun 2012

Falmouth Art Gallery, Cornwall
Group exhibition: British Surrealists
Sep 14 2012 to 17 Nov 2012

Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition of New Work: The Tree of Time
Dec 7 2012 to 8 Feb 2013


Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition of New Work
Dec 5 2013 to 28 Jan 2013


Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal
Group Exhibition: British Surrealism Unlocked
Apr 10 2014 to 21 Jun 2014

Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition of New Work: Headworks
Jun 5 2014 to 28 Jun 2014

Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition: 70 Years of Surrealism:
The New Work of 2014
Dec 5 2014 to 31 Dec 2014


O3 Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition.
4 Jul 2015 to 26 Jul 2015

Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition.
The New Oil Paintings of 2015
4 to 31 December 2015


Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition.
The New Paintings of 2016
2 to 31 December 2016


Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Solo Exhibition.
The New Paintings of 2017
7 to 31 December 2017


Redfern Gallery, London
Solo Exhibition
Works in paper 1948 – 2018
16 May to 9 June 2018


Mallams, Oxford
Solo exhibition
New paintings: Bodyworks
4 April to 7 April 2019

Farleys Gallery, Sussex
Solo exhibition of New Work
11 August to 13 October 2019

Ronapainting Gallery, Ship Street, Oxford.
Desmond Morris, Rona, Chase Marsden
19 November 2019 to March 2020.


Beaux Arts Gallery, London.
Solo exhibition.
Desmond Morris in the 21st Century.
14 October to 12 December

Ronapainting Gallery, Walton Street, Oxford.
Mixed exhibition.
3 December to 23 January 2021.


Redfern Gallery, London
Solo exhibition.
11 May to 10 June 2022.

Informal opening day of his new Art Institute
(The Dun Laoghaire Institute of Visual Arts).
10 June 2022.

Ronapainting Gallery, Walton Street, Oxford.
Solo Exhibition
7 June to 30 July 2022.

Solo exhibition
Creatures of the Mind
Formal opening of DIVA on 15 September 2022

Ronapainting Gallery, Walton Street, Oxford.
Mixed exhibition. Winter Show.
1 December 2022 to 25 February 2023.


​​The Hopkins Festival, Newbridge College Theatre, Kildare, Ireland.
​​Solo Exhibition.
​​The Last Surrealist.
​​19 July to 25 July.

​​Solo Exhibition.
​​March 16 2024.

​​Solo Exhibition.
​​Micro Surrealism. Miniatures.
​​December 15 – December 24 2024.


Beaux Arts Gallery, London.
Solo exhibition: 97th Birthday Celebration.
24 January to 24 April 2025.