Beatrice Moss Campbell (Lady Beatrice Glenavy RHA ) 1881-1970.* Hand coloured Cuala Press Print in original frame, to illustrate the poem ‘Prayer for a Little Child’ by Winifred M Letts 1882-1972.** West of Ireland scene, with child, mother, fisherman, animals and fairy. Prayer for a Little Child “God keep my jewel this day from danger;From and… Continue reading Cuala Press Print
Tag: Child
Berney’s little wooden Dresser and Tea Sets
Berney’s father made the dresser for her in the 1930s when she was a small child. It received new coats of paint in the 1960s and again in 1970s as it came back into use in the family, with Chinese blue Willow china crockery, and other dolls’ tea sets, on its shelves. Berney was born… Continue reading Berney’s little wooden Dresser and Tea Sets
World Children’s Day 2023
For every child, every right World Children’s Day was established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day and is celebrated anually on the 20th of November, to promote international togetherness, raise awareness among children worldwide, and help improve children’s welfare. November 20th is an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN… Continue reading World Children’s Day 2023