National Play Day 2024
Time to Play
The aim of National Play Day is to promote play and recreation opportunities for children and young people across the country. Play Day is between July 13th and 21st.
The theme this year is Time to Play. Time to Play will embrace the importance of recognising the significance of making and taking the time to play. Ensuring that children take the time to play is important for their development, imagination, social skills, creativity and so much more. Promoting time to play will present children with fun opportunities to explore, be creative and have wild adventures within their imagination.
National Play Day is an initiative of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
This year for National Play Day, Museum of Childhood Ireland and Sticky Fingers Arts, Newry, with our recent unpredictable weather, opted for an indoors/outdoors approach to play! Activities included: skipping, Parachutes, 3-legged races, Den building and mud pies, ring-Toss, dressing-up, Jenga, and boardgames, including chess, Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders and scrabble.