By Anya

I woke up at 7:00 this morning. I whipped of my cow print covers, my dog Oreo was sleeping on the end of my bed. He was snoring away. He was sleeping on his back with his favourite cuddly toy tom. I was very excited for today, I was going to the stables for a riding lesson, we have no school today though because we are off.
I headed downstairs admiring the paintings on the wall of me when I was around 3. Oreo was trotting along behind me barking because I was out of sight!!! I called him and he legged it around the end of the stairs where are coats hang. I went down and got breakfast. I decided to have some toast. I went over to the 3rd shelf to the right and got out the toast and a plate. I got the toaster out and put the toast in, while I was waiting for the toast to pop up I got Oreo some breakfast. I got him his dog food out of the cupboard. I poured it in his bowl which had his name engraved on it and Oreo ran over and enjoyed some breakfast. My toast popped out and I went over and got the butter and a knife. I smeared it all over and sat down. After breakfast I went upstairs and made my bed. I also got changed into jodhpurs and a polo shirt. I ran downstairs and called Oreo and went over to the shelf and got Oreos harness and lead, Oreo started running over to me ready to run out the yellow wooden door, I put his lead on and his blue harness and left the house. I locked the door behind me and went out the door. We went to are local lake where Oreo jumped in. Oreo!!!!! You goose!!! I stayed there on the bench reading my book and Oreo was in swimming. After a while we headed back through the muddy forest on the way home.
When we were home I put Oreo in and got my riding things and some fresh water and got into the car and I put my seat belt on. Are car was a black jeep. We drove by the playground where some children were playing on the swings, I also saw some Labradors as well. We finally arrived at the stables and I went over to the horse I was riding, her name was Trish. She is gorgeous. I went into her stable and brushed down with a body brush, then I went into the tack room and got her saddle and bridle. I walked back to her stable and met my friend Megan. We both tacked up our horses and are instructor walked down with a gorgeous bay horse. He was around 16 hands. She told us to bring the horses down, I couldn’t wait for the lesson!!!

“This author shows an impressive eye for detail – the “yellow wooden door,” the “black jeep,” and the “gorgeous bay horse . . . around 16 hands” – and a distinctive writing voice. I really enjoyed, “Oreo!!!!! You goose!!!” and how “he legged it around the end of the stairs where are coats hang.”
— Dr Matthew Fogarty, University College Dublin, Ireland