Blog Archive: Reflections On . . .

The Museum of Childhood Ireland’s Reflections On . . . blog invites people of all ages, ethnicities, communities, and backgrounds to address any topics regarding childhood and/or education in Ireland.

Our objective is to stimulate important and timely conversations by creating a diverse and thought-provoking mosaic of the challenges and opportunities that face parents, guardians, pupils, students, and educators on the island of Ireland today.

Dr Jolanta Burke (February 2023)

Terry Gargan (January 2023)

Nora Corcoran (December 2022)

Leah Russell (October 2022)

Dr Keith Murphy (September 2022)

Dr Suzanne O’Keeffe (August 2022)

Dave Lordan (July 2022)

James Groome (June 2022)

Paula Walshe (May 2022)

Caoileann Ní Dhonnchadha (March 2022)

Anonymous Contributors (January 2022)

Dr Sinéad Matson (December 2021)

Dr Trudy Meehan & Dr Jolanta Burke (November 2021)

Sarah Andrews (October 2021)

Paula Walshe (September 2021)

Leaving Cert Mandarin Chinese Concern Group (August 2021)

Sinéad McCauley Lambe (July 2021)

Dr Lloyd (Meadhbh) Houston (June 2021)

Dr Mira Dobutowitsch (May 2021)

Dr Jolanta Burke (April 2021)

Freya Feeney (March 2021)

Gráinne Carr (February 2021)

Alannah O’Sullivan (January 2021)

Cathleen McDonagh Clark (December 2020)

Dr Seán Henry (November 2020)

Pamela Purcell (October 2020)