We are almost there again, almost happy, almost clappy, but not quite yet.
By Christmas they say we will all hug again and share again, but I wouldn’t bet,
Will it ever go back to how it was?
Will my life always be a different ‘normal’ because,
I’m fourteen and I’m asking.
I’m Fourteen. By Maria, age 14, Co Galway.
Emotions of COVID-19.
At the first picture he’s happy because he became famous around the world. He mocks us by showing his tongue.
At the second picture, he raises his eyebrow. He’s angry because he cannot affect many people anymore because they are vaccinated.
At the last one, COVID is sad, because the schools are open again and kids, although they still wear masks (in some countries at least) are not afraid of COVID. The red scribbles are the smell of the COVID, which we can all breathe. The dots and the marks are the little droplets of COVID we breathe.
Covid Reflections
I really don’t think covid has been too bad. Lockdown for my family was pretty good. I realise how fortunate I am due to where I live. I do not think I would have liked it so much if I was stuck in an apartment in a big city or if it had rained all the time. Sure I missed my school friends, soccer training and swimming lessons but home schooling was grand and we got to finish every day at one. After lunch we did nature scavenger hunts or left positivity stones around the village on the greenway or on the river walks. When my brother was asked did he like the thought of going back to school he said no as he wouldn’t get a biscuit at eleven every day now.
Here are some of the things we have done over lockdown that were great fun .We built a wormery, read lots of books, made giant bubbles, played board games such as qwirkle, swam in the rivers and sea when restrictions eased, built a den, did lots of baking and art, made a bird bath out of copper with dad, set a wildflower section in the garden and made wildflower seed bombs to disperse around locally, had lots of stick fights with friends from my estate when we were allowed hang out, raced our bikes down hills and made ramps with old pallets. Fun is not without its injuries. Alesha broke her arm racing her bike down the hill, we have got stung by lots of nettles, rolled in sheep poo, and have bruises on all body parts from stick fighting.
While I massively missed my nannies and granddads there were also advantages. I would never be in contact with Great Granddad Denis but because of lockdown we sent him letters as he was cocooning and he sent us letters back. I also sent postcards to great aunts and uncles that lived alone to brighten their days and they would reply back so now I’ve made connections I would never have if it was not for covid.
I am really really looking forward to getting to go to the cinema, bowling, getting to go to a swimming pool and having barbecues and parties with more than just mam, dad and my brother. I am back in school now so I see all my friends again and my relations. However even though lockdown was grand for me and great for the environment I am not too sure we would want to do it all over again.
Covid Reflections. Fionn, age 11, Co Waterford, Ireland.
As I used to stand on that muddy grass field
The roar of the cheering parents
Is all I seem to hear.
The only person I really notice
Is the yelling of my coach.
As I go to challenge the ball,
The ball is at me feet, I have to be quick.
I dribble up the side of the field,
Cut in and cross one touch,
From another player, and goal!
Walking to the car,
Ball in hand, covered all in mud,
I receive compliments on a great game.
I say thanks, but all that mattered
all that mattered was that winning goal.
Missing Soccer. By Daragh, age 12, County Kerry.
Corona Virus Corona Virus Go Away
Corona Virus, Corona Virus
Please go away
You are taking your time
You have led all my friends astray
You put me in my house
Between morning and night
The streets are so quiet
And it gives me a fright
I want to see my Nanny
And Grandad too
Go to the beach or maybe the zoo.
Have some ice-cream
Is this all a dream?
I hope and pray that someday
You will go away!
Corona Virus Corona Virus Go Away. By Rachel, age 10, Greystones, Co Wicklow.
My favourite book.
My favourite books at bedtime
My favourite books in school
My favourite books in daylight
My favourite books, MY fuel
My favourite books are happy
My favourite books are sad
My favourite books have mystery
My favourite books have bad
People who steal, and harm, and kidnap and cause chaos
And people who help
and solve the case
and heal the loss
As we throughout this pandemic should
Do all the everyday good
that all…
My favourite books would.
Pandemic Books. By Alan, Age 17. Waterford, Ireland.
“The name of the painting is spring. I ran out of canvas and we could not buy more so I found a piece of wood in my garden and turned it into a canvas. The painting represents the flowering magnolia tree in my back garden. The flowers are moving in the wind while the branches are not. It is a sunny day at around 6:00 am. I am looking forward to seeing more nature sights after the lockdown.”
Exhibitions, December 2021 now on at:
Insituto Nazionale Arte Cultura, Italia.
And at the Robert Emmet CDP, Dublin 8.