Wanda the Walking Doll, 1950s

Advance Doll and Toy Co  “My Wanda, a gift from an uncle in America, is made of hard plastic with eyes that open and close, blonde hair, yellow dress, and a mechanism in her body which connects to wheels on the soles of her shoes. When wound, this makes her “walk”.  Her arms and head… Continue reading Wanda the Walking Doll, 1950s

Minature Crolly Dolls

A collection of 25 1950s miniature costume or souvenir Crolly dolls in the museum’s collection shows a variety of costumes, fabrics, and materials. These dolls came to us in excellent condition allowing us to see the incredible handiwork of the factory workers who created them, often young girls and women in Crolly, Donegal and Spiddal,… Continue reading Minature Crolly Dolls

Doll House Vacuum Cleaner

A little Japanese made 1950s tin plate and wire ‘electric’ doll house vacuum cleaner, donated to the Museum of Childhood Ireland in 2018. Research is ongoing. As children in Dublin in the 60s, we called our carpet vacuum sweeper by the manufacturing company’s name, the Electrolux, and others called theirs the Hoover, in much the… Continue reading Doll House Vacuum Cleaner

Angela Finegan’s Upside Down, Cinderella Doll

1st-She serves as a maid to her step-mother and sisters 2nd- She goes to the ball! The upside down Cinderella doll came from our aunt in Winchester, England. A neighbour of hers made the dolls from scraps of material. One year, for each of our birthdays a doll arrived in the post to us in… Continue reading Angela Finegan’s Upside Down, Cinderella Doll

Maia’s little Rosebud doll, 1950s

Maia grew up in SE London in the 50s. Her parents both hailed from Co Wexford. She was given the beautiful little Rosebud doll by her neighbour and always treasured it. A 7 inch doll, she opens and closes her eyes, has a fully jointed body, soft brown hair, painted shoes, and is dressed in… Continue reading Maia’s little Rosebud doll, 1950s