A school photo of Michael age 7 A short piece on reading in primary school with a special mention of the Famous Five, Enid Blyton series Books were scarce in rural Sligo in the 1950s and early 1960s when I attended our small village two-teacher school. There was plenty of other reading material of course.… Continue reading Michael Farry on Reading in Childhood
Tag: library
Cantonese Flowerboards: From Hong Kong to Ireland
Welcome to a trilingual blog about Flowerboards, by Cantonese in Ireland (www.cantoneseireland.ie). Flowerboards are an important feature of Hong Kong’s cultural heritage. Read on to understand what flowerboards are, why and how they are made, and see a few that featured in St Patrick’s Day parades! What are flowerboards? Flowerboards are used for ‘for celebrating… Continue reading Cantonese Flowerboards: From Hong Kong to Ireland