“Listen to the Future. Stand Up for Children’s Rights.” Is the theme of #WorldChildrensDay2024 and we love Celebrating it at the Museum of Childhood Ireland! November 20th is a special occasion where the world comes together to help celebrate and advocate for child rights, their well-being, and opportunities. Here, at the museum this day holds… Continue reading World Children’s Day 2024
Tag: Músaem Óige na hÉireann
Rose’s Red ‘Booboo’ Car
Rose with the red booboo car, and her mother, Berney in their garden in Limerick, 1961 Rose Doyle’s father made this wagon in the 1960s. It’s not a toddler walker, rather, he meant it as a robust alternative to the dolls’ pram, to be pushed or pulled by an older child in the garden containing… Continue reading Rose’s Red ‘Booboo’ Car
MCI’s Primary School Outreach 2024
Ongoing project Two 3rd and 4th class primary school classes gathered information from parents and grandparents about their childhoods, including celebratory holidays and traditions for a curriculum history module, and engaged with the museum to explore the subject. As a group they also watched the RTE Today Show with Dáithí and Maura for the lovely… Continue reading MCI’s Primary School Outreach 2024
Oíche Shamhna 2024
Oíche Shamhna 2024 Shona Daoibh! lá spraoi teaghlaigh! Creatlach ( Skeleton dressed figure ) from MoCI Playmobile Collection, Andrea Kehoe from 1974+ Bígí linn i gcomhair Samhain @ An ILAC! 31 Deireadh Fómhair 10:00 – 16:00. Beidh scéalta ar théama Oíche Shamhna, chomh maith le healaín, péinteáil, aisteoireacht, balúin agus go leor eile. Dírithe ar thuismitheoirí… Continue reading Oíche Shamhna 2024
Maurice Smyth’s Christening robe, 1920s
Smyth family Christening gown: Charles and Elizabeth ( née McGowan) Smyth were Publicans from Dúnlaoghaire, owners of the town’s well loved Smyth’s Pub. The family have resided in Dún laoghaire since the mid 1800’s. Six children were born to Elizabeth and Charles, with Maurice their last baby boy being born in the 1930s. All six… Continue reading Maurice Smyth’s Christening robe, 1920s
Féile na Draíochta
Museum of Childhood Ireland, Músaem Óige na hÉireann, with Sticky Fingers Arts Festival Day Time! Tales of Ireland’s Ancient East at Ice House Hill Park, Dundalk 12-4pm. Saturday 12th October 2024. Puppetry, art, craft, mythology, folklore, history, magic, play and storytelling…adventures of curious creatures across land and sea, and exploring the many different worlds in-between.… Continue reading Féile na Draíochta
Children as Active Citizens
Election by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free Have you ever seen a young baby explore the environment around them? Squeezing, tapping and tasting items that intrigue them. Exploring the world in this manner shows a young toddler’s level of interest in relating to and participating in the world. This form of exploration is also known as sensory… Continue reading Children as Active Citizens
An té a bhíonn siúlach bíonn sé scéalach
Oíche Chultúir 2024 An té a bhíonn siúlach bíonn sé scéalach – Músaem Óige na hÉireann Tá an Ghaeilge an-lárnach i bhfís an mhúsaem, agus ba mhaith linn téáma na hóige agus an Ghaeilge a tharraingt le chéile don Oíche Chultúrtha i mbliana. 20/09/2024. Anseo ar Youtube 18:00!: Beidh an Dr Sorcha de Brún (… Continue reading An té a bhíonn siúlach bíonn sé scéalach
5.Wild Child Day and Water Heritage Day. Heritage Council’s County Award winner for Down
We are celebrating! Museum of Childhood Ireland are delighted to announce that we have received another County Award – for Down. This was for our series of Wild Child Day and Water Heritage Day events in collaboration with our friends at Sticky Fingers Arts. Thank you to the Heritage Council for the recognition. Seachtain Náisiúnta… Continue reading 5.Wild Child Day and Water Heritage Day. Heritage Council’s County Award winner for Down
3.Small spaces, Local stories
Seachtain Náisiúnta na hOidhreachta National Heritage Week 2024 invites you to explore the connections, routes and networks that link our communities. A Heritage Week online, and in-person display at Bank of Ireland, Dúnlaoghaire, from the Museum of Childhood Ireland, Músaem Óige na hÉireann. We have selected seven local people’s stories of childhood to highlight for… Continue reading 3.Small spaces, Local stories